About 5 Unhealthy Habits need To Know


Unhealthy Habits, and You Might Not Know it!!

The activities you do all the time or the habits you have seems harmless but could hurt you. Most of them don’t have a direct impact on your health, so you couldn’t care much. You might even think that you are doing the right thing and it is quite normal to you but can harm you. You have to halt doing these things if you want a healthily living.


1.Using cell-phone during bed time

Yes, this habit is too normal for you all in today’s world. You think its okay to check you phone when you are about to sleep, to check some messages, or watch a few videos.  You already got used to this habit, which is not good for your brain.  Let me explain you, when you use your cell-phone during bedtime your phone emits blue light which tells you that it’s early, means your brain gets tricked into believing that it’s not yet time for sleep. Also, another problem is that your phone emitted radiation. Using your phone close to bedtime is already beyond what’s healthy. You need to fight the harmful effects of radiation on your body. You should use your phone for a few hours a day. You should reach that time limit before the day gets over. Avoid using your phone if you are about to sleep.


OH. Yeahhhh! You might be thinking that ‘how come multitasking be unhealthy habit’?

But, yes sometime successfully doing several tasks at once isn’t to be proud of. Definitely, it shows your ability to manage you time well, you are hurting your body. It confuses your brain and leads it to cognitive issues, and also stressed you out. Multitasking isn’t what your body should be doing. You should learn to take one task at a time. It also reduces the chances of getting things wrong.


3.Eating “low-fat” or “sugar-free” foods. 

HMMMMM!!! FOODS the most interesting topic for all of us, but at the same time we need to be careful when eating foods or beverages which claim being low in fat and sugar free from sugar. To replace the sweetness of sugar, the beverages there might be something else, which could have terrible effects on your health. Fat free dishes aren’t necessarily being free from fat. Although, some companies aren’t too transparent, but somehow manage to get government approval.

It’s totally on the consumers to take necessary precautions.

4. Bad Relationships

People interpret love differently in variety of ways. Some take it to the emotional feeling they share with their partners, while for some it is that care that they receive from their parents, siblings and other people who are close to them. All this brings us to one conclusion that: love is everywhere.

 Love is more psychological! Yes, let me prove it. In love the most affected body part of ours is the BRAIN. The brain triggers many other things in the body through chemical re actions to alter behavior, our feelings, and even on what other person says. Whatever we all do in love its affect our brain, whatever the experience is.

Some people gets so influence by the person they love that they try to copy their behavior. This is common in married couples or in couples in long- term relationship. Experts says that love has a strong impact on how people think and behave and this has been seen in many social types of research which has been conducted in past. Before start showing love you need to understand what type of love it is in between serious love and casual love. It is not fair to approach the other person with a tense od showing love them serious love and dump them later just because all you needed was affectionate love for the short time.


 When it’s clear from the beginning  they both parties will be moving in one direction as far as their thinking is connected. This is the best direction to take.

you should read these insights and also apply them to avoid confusion when being loved and loving.

5. Drinking caffeine late in a day


For many of us indispensable part of our daily routine, available to give us that much-needed boost of energy that we all need in the morning or during mid-afternoon.

According to the research, you should void consuming from around 2am, or at least seven hours before bed, as otherwise it cam negatively effect your sleep and end up creating a domino effect wherein you don't get the quality sleep you need- even if the participants no longer felt the effects of the caffeine.

Eliminate the habits now which you think are bad for you and live a healthily life.



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