Day-Dreams Are Trap!!

 Dark side of  'Day Dreaming'

Whether it's worrying or fantasizing that all of us day-dream or let our minds escape from the task at hand. In the late 1990s scientists cane with the newly computer model that simulates how our brain works. The model shows how our brain cells communicates when our minds are either idle or engaged. Since then, scientists have identified several brain networks, called 'resting state' network, inside our gray matter where these phenomenon occurs.

Excessive and persistent day-dreaming not only hampers your productivity but can also interfere with relationships. As you log out from your online classes, a pile of assignment awaits. After catching up with friends, you decided to tackle you readings. As you wade through the chapters , you wonder whether your sister's wedding will end up being small, intimate affairs, you stat image yourself in a resplendent lehenga with gold trimming. shoving aside COVID-19 restrictions, dancing with your friends during sangeet. And, suddenly your phone pings and you glance at time . You have spent 45 minutes and barely read two pages.( this is the example of daydreaming)

Many individuals daydream, specially when they are alone. while day dreaming has been linked to stress-release and creativity, it also have detrimental side. daydreaming not only hampers your productivity  but can also interfere your mental health. DayDreaming is not listed as a disorder in Diagnostic & Statistical Manual(DSM-V).

DayDreaming is often about anticipating the future. specially in the fantasy context, for instance, young men often have fantasy of what it could be like  to be a superhero. but when you get older, the time spent on daydreaming decreases- perhaps as the future shrinks. So, daydreaming in older is less as compare to youngers.

According to the research, if people are asked to dream about past, for instance they tend to forget what they were doing the day dream starts, Day Dream also effects how much you forget. Day dreaming is not only temporal, but also physical: If you daydream about a vacation abroad or vacation of of city, you are likely to forget of what you were doing because your trip abroad is so out of context, " it's like mentally transporting yourself back there".

Your brain, not your minds controls your daydreams, How we daydream and thinks totally depends on the brain structures. On the other hand the brain structures keeps changing in a small way- as we learn new things the connections between the nerve cells change.

 let me know, what's your day-dream about??????



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