Importance of Healthy Brain

How social connection improves "Brain Health".

 A new study reveals that Social Engagement increases gray matter and keep your “Brain Health”. Yes, social engagement, even when difficult during social distancing, it bolters gray matter in your brain.

 So, according to the new study you should keep your social calendar full to improve your brain health. Older adults who get-together with friends, families, volunteers, and attend classes especially have healthier brains, but these activities have been blunted due to the necessity of social distancing. Although this study was conducted before Covid-19, the findings are relevant for all ages during the pandemic when many people suffer from social isolation and particularly important right now.

This study was the first to use a particularly sensitive type of brain image to conduct such an evaluation. After the experiment, the participants are asked for providing detailed information about their social engagement, and the results scored them awarding high scores to people who did things like play board games, go to movies, attending classes, lectures or adult education events, going together with children, friends, families or neighbors at least once a week, married, and live with others.  On the other hand, the participants who reported greater levels of social engagement had more robust gray matter in regions of the brain. Maintaining your brain health is of critical important. Social engagement activates specific brain regions needed to recognize familiar faces and emotions, make decision and feel rewarded.

This pandemic has pushed more than a quarter of the world’s population into lockdown, and many are feeling cooped up and developing cabin fever. When life is uncertain, it’s natural to feel out of control, even to have depression from the losses and the important social events that are cancelled or getting postponed .These feeling of sadness or loss of interest that characterize major depression leads to a range of behavioral and physical symptoms.

It’s important to start making ourselves a priority with self-care. Self-care is eating healthy, nutritious foods, regular exercise and ample sleep. Make an appointment with yourself and schedule personal time. It’s important to keep your social relationships alive, maximize social connection on social media and reach out to others. Take time out to connect with family members and close friends you trust and talk about your concerns and how you feeling.

Take breaks from watching, listening and reading about the pandemic  and remind yourself how your resources provide an opportunity to learn more about your strengths and positive qualities and put them into practice.




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