Mental Health Among: "Entrepreneurs"

  "Entrepreneurs" Are more likely to experience stress.......

Over the last few years, multiple reports have come in confirming about the fact that entrepreneurs bring more influence to psychiatric problems than their employees. A Majority of the 100 Surveyed Entrepreneurs were Found to be Plagued by Psychiatric Issues.

 Out of 100, 58 participants were diagnosed by registered psychiatrists with mental health problems. 55 of the participants even admitted to the effects of entrepreneurship on their own psyche bring harmful.

The top three mental health problems noticed by the psychiatrists involving stress (41%), anxiety (21%), depression (19%), providing stress be actually a major problems in majorities of the individuals. Stress was found to be a problem in not just in this particular test but in multiple other surveys done around the countries as well. All these surveys pointing to stress as both a problem and the cause for declining metal health in entrepreneurs.

Financial Worries are also the cause for the majority
.  Most people are stressed about their financial problems at some points of their life, and it can be a constant problem. Financial problem for an entrepreneur is far exceed that of the average adult with the job, but not everyone can handle the stress over a long period of time without suffering from mental health issues.

  So… it’s important that entrepreneurs take the survey results seriously. Elevated anxiety or stress can be damaging to their over a long period. From a mental health standpoint, it not wanting to share business issues with subordinates through fear of their losing respect for the business owner, seek counsel through a friend who owns a business and understands the pressure  it brings. 


 Therefore, to minimize business stressors by addressing the root causes of the stress/ anxiety whatever possible, take steps to share troubles and exercise them away. Well, which is not a total solution but it will make business life far more manageable.



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