Schooling History-Victorian Age

   The History of Schooling in Victorian Britain

We all  are very well aware of how British education system has undergoes with drastic changes over -the years and for the lovers of history. There are a lot of information about the Victorian school days. Queen Victorian reign has saw many transformations in the educational sector.

What transpired in Victorian days of schooling.

In 19th century, it was noted  that school attendance wasn't compulsory, especially for girls from poor homes. Parents send them to work in farm to raise money to cover household expenses. Where as children from richer families made use of a home tutor.  Especially in the year 1839, education system was subjected to gradual changes. A approach of rolling out universal education was adopted. Its major aim was to review the progress of each and every new establishment in the educational sector. Although, some parents who lived around cities cities viewed education as expensive and avoid to send their children to schools.

Another reason for school attendance was low that children has to earn money by working in factories or on farms to support their families.

Introduction of "Ragged Schools".

In order to get more children participation in Victorian school days, the ragged school idea was conceived in years of 1840s. These schools where established to be fundamentally led by the volunteers. This was later spread into the cities of London, thus giving relief to those families whose children were being turned away from church operated schools where they couldn't effort to pay fees.

Ragged schools got boost in the year 1846. Government chipped in to facilitate training of teachers through funding. between 1844 to 1881, it was estimated that nearly 300,000 children went London based ragged schools.

The Education Act- 1870

In the year 1870, the growing need for education funding spiraled, more radical changes began to take shape in bringing the Victorian education sector forward. In 1869 funding was way above (euro 800,000) but the reality was that  more schools needed to be established. This however faced an impediment with regard to weather the government  will fund schools associated with certain religion groupings or those run buy some church.

In the year 17th February, 1870 an Education bill was introduced into parliament which trigger more changes in the education sector with more bills introduction into parliament such as "Elementary Education Act".

Elementary Education Act- 1880-1891  

After the enforcement of these act, application in the education sector saw the age of schooling children raise to 10. IT therefore became compulsory across England and Wales. This Act saw welsh children taught in English only despite being non-English native. By the year 1891 elementary schooling became compulsory through 1891 the Elementary education Act.




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